eNote from Donny – August 25, 2023

by | Aug 25, 2023

“As a man rejoices over his new wife, so your God will rejoice over you.” – Isaiah 62:5


 As a minister…I have had the best seat in the house at many beautiful weddings.  I get to see the bride and groom “up close and personal”.  From my vantage point I see the sparkle in their eyes and their adoring faith and belief in one another like no one else at the greatest moment in their lives.  And there is one thing I can assure you – no matter how big or tough the guy thinks he is, when he lays an eyeball on his bride, he melts!

When the lights are just right and the groom is turned at just the right angle, his watery eyes glass over and create a reflection of the one he can’t help but stare at…his bride.  While I have never had a bride slip up or forget her vows of love to her groom, I can’t say that about a groom.  He usually gets choked up and sometimes stumbles to get his words out.  Dress him up, rehearse all you want, but when he is standing there staring at the one who is responsible for him being there, Mr. Tough Dude caves like a little shy boy who is giddy over his new bike!

So it is with God and you!  Jesus gave himself for his bride, the church.  And who is the church?  You, and you, and you and me.  We are the bride of Christ!  And as we approach him like a bride walking down the aisle, he too  gets watery eye as he gazes upon us – dressed in fine linen and covered by grace.  You see…you have captured the delight of God!  ”The Lord your God is with you…He will take great delight in you…” – Zephaniah 3:17


 We have entered into a neighborhood partnership…with the Mulberry Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year to assist them in any way we can.  Our own Andy and Dana Carlson teach at this school.  This past week, we served lunch to the faculty on Monday and Tuesday during their Muskie Day parent teacher conferences.  As school begins, they are in need of volunteers who are willing to sit and read with students who need assistance in learning sounds.  Can you sit with a child for an hour once a week and help them learn to pronounce words and develop the art of reading?  You might make all the difference in a child’s life to do so!  Please let me know if you can help.

 Happy Anniversary…to Marvin and Mickie Hinrichs!  Wednesday these great folks celebrated 64 years of marriage.  In today’s world, such faithfulness and commitment are getting scarce!  What godly examples they are for us all!!!

 Upcoming Events…

September 9 – Ladies’ Day at the church building, Ms. Jennifer Percell will be the guest speaker

September 16 – Fall Festival at the Kurz’s home

September 16 – Pray over Iowa at Center Point Road Church of Christ, Marion Iowa, 2:00pm

September 19…Blood Drive @ the Building.

September 24-27…Demons vs. Prayer Seminar with Steve Hemphill of Active-Faith.  www.active-faith.org

October 28 – Trunk-or-Treat at the church building, 3-5pm

Spiritual Warfare Seminar…with Steve Hemphill is coming up fast.  Mark your calendars for September 24-27, each night at the Riverview Center downtown on Harbor Drive.  Each session will be a different presentation.  Steve will be teaching class on My Search for Heaven, and preaching on The Covenant on Sunday morning at the building.  Please be in prayer for this community outreach and whom you might invite!


  • Sunday, 9/24 @ 3:30pm Spiritual Warfare 101 (Dinner to follow)
  • Sunday, 9/24 @ 5:45pm Biblical Demons and Symbols
  • Monday, 9/25 @ 6:30pm Spiritual Weapons (pt.1)
  • Tuesday, 9/26 @ 6:30pm Spiritual Weapons (pt.2)
  • Wednesday, 9/27 @ 6:30pm Prayer Hindrances & Land Markers in Scripture;Spiritual Resources and a final Charge for Battle

This Week at MCoC…Jesus calls us to “Follow him…”, so how do we do that?  This week we will begin a new message series called, Walking the Walk:  Walking daily as Jesus taught.  I pray that you will join us on this new journey!


About Donny Anderson
Donny is Muscatine Church of Christ's minister.