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eNote from Donny July 7, 2023

by | Jul 7, 2023

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!” – Psalm 118:24

Carpe Diem…seize the day. It is a popular statement that motivational speakers and encouragers of all kinds use to inspire others to realize the opportunity that stands before them, yet is often overlooked. Actually, I agree that it’s a great way to re-train your mind.

The problem in the secular world is that people often fail to see the opportunities that are right in front of them. Or they see them and lack the motivation to act upon them. Our daily Christian walk is a lot like that. As we arise and face a new day, we too often miss or overlook the many blessings that God provides to us each day. As humans, we can develop a “wait till tomorrow” or “I’ll get to it later” attitude that causes hesitation and procrastination. But here’s the thing…What if there is no ‘tomorrow’?

• James, the half-brother of Jesus said that life is like, “a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” – James 4:14
• Job declared that , “Man’s days are determined; you [God] have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.” – Job 14:5
• King Solomon encourages us to know, “that it is now that God favors what we do.” – Ecclesiastes 9:7
• King David pleads with God to, “Show me, O Lord, my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.” – Psalm 39:4

Life would be much simpler if we knew up front how long we would live. Only God knows that answer. Realizing that fact, King David the Psalmist, goes on to write, “My hope is in you [Lord]”. – Psalm 39:7b

Each day is an opportunity to worship God…to receive his blessings…to see his mighty works…to hear the sounds of his wonderful creation…to taste the goodness that he provides…to touch the life of another!

In the Parable of the Talents recorded in Matthew 25, the master goes on a long trip. Before he goes, he gives his servants talents according to their abilities. When the master returns, he checks with the first servant who has been faithful in his use of that which was given to him. Likewise, the second servant had been prudent with that which the master entrusted to him. But the third servant returns to the master only what he was given having done nothing with what he was entrusted. How easy it is for us to go through life like the third servant…God has provided our daily blessings but we failed to see them and act upon them.

We glorify God when we seize the day and actively look for the chance to praise him, serve him and lift him up. When we use what God has given us, he is pleased. The Apostle Paul wrote, “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you…” – Ephesians 1:18 I pray you will not only praise God for what he has done for you through Jesus Christ, but that the eyes of your heart will see what he is doing for you today, tomorrow, next week, month and year. All that God has set aside for you in eternity is to be celebrated starting today!

VBS Day in the Park…is this Sunday. We need you if you can help! Wear your church t-shirt and come out to Weed Park to the pavilion above the pool area. We will gather around 4:00pm to set up, and VBS starts at 5:30pm with hotdogs for all. Come out and join the fun!

Basket Dinner…Sunday, July 16th following morning worship services.
Donny’s next eye treatment trip…July 18 – 26
Silver Society Lunch…Friday, July 21, 11:30am, All American Dinner
5th Sunday Mission Contribution…Sunday, July 30

This Week at MCoC…we begin a new series of lessons entitled: On Moments Like These! Finding courage and strength in those moments of life that we find difficult. I hope you will be present, be encouraged and be ready to encourage others!

You are in my prayers!


About Donny Anderson
Donny is Muscatine Church of Christ's minister.