eNote from Donny – August 11, 2023

by | Aug 11, 2023 | 0 comments

“He shall cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you shall take refuge.” – Psalm 91:4

How big is your God? – Many times Christ followers are guilty of placing chains on God or putting him in a box and placing limits on just what he can do. Even the most obedient of believers are sometimes guilty of this. Take Mary for example, when she was approached by the angel and told that she would give birth to a child, she replied, “How will this be?” – Luke 2: 34, for according to her understanding, there was no way she could be expecting a child. Yet the angel replied, “For nothing is impossible with God.” – Luke 2:37

How about you? Do you trust God explicitly? Is your God big enough to handle ALL your problems and challenges? The Apostle Paul, writing to the Christians in Ephesus, said, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine…” – Ephesians 3:20a

Sadly, too many Christians do not believe or do not accept that God IS big enough to handle whatever comes their way…but he is! To many believers, they think that God must surprised by the desires and needs that they experience on a daily basis!. They believe that they can’t accomplish or achieve because they don’t know how or don’t have the talent. But let me remind you: when you were born you did not know how to speak nor walk. But you learned. And the same God that provided for your growth back then is still on duty today!

God knows you far better than you will ever know yourself. He knows about your needs. He has known about the desires of your heart. He knows you are not perfect, and he does not expect you to be perfect. But he does expect you to be obedient. Solomon wrote, “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” – Ecclesiastes 3:11 Just as God knows what it is that you need, he also knows the exact best way to provide it to you and his timing is perfect. To the obedient follower, he is always there. When Daniel was tossed into the pit with the lions, he did not panic. He prayed because he believed! – Daniel 6 And God protected and delivered him from an impossible situation. What an example of how we should live our lives as well!

We believe. We trust. We pray. And we wait – to be delivered. There is great wisdom for us to learn from in the life of many like Daniel, and Paul and Solomon. Perhaps when we are distressed we should learn to utter the simple prayer…”Okay God, I can’t wait to see how you are going to get me through this one! In Jesus name, Amen!”

Upcoming Events…
Sunday, August 13th… Basket Dinner following morning worship services.
Monday & Tuesday, August 21 & 22…Mulberry Elementary School Muskie Days
Friday, August 25th…Silver Society Lunch, All-American Diner, @ 11:30am
September 16th – Fall Festival at the Kurz’s home
September 24-27th…Demons vs. Prayer Seminar with Steve Hemphill of Active-Faith. www.active-faith.org
October 13th, – Silver Society Breakfast, All-American Diner @ 9:30am

Mulberry Elementary School…We need your assistance in serving our neighborhood school. First…we will serve lunch to the faculty and staff (40 people) on both Monday and Tuesday, August 21 & 22. This will be a simple finger food lunch as they only have 30 minutes to eat. If you can assist, please see Karen Anderson. Second…they have asked us for volunteers to sit with the students 1 hour per week to help them in their reading and possibly math skills if we are comfortable with math. If you can give 1 hour a week, please see Donny for further information. You never know what a difference you can make in a child till you try!

Daily Prayer Time…at 1:00pm each day, for 1 minute, for at least 1 person.

This Week at MCoC…we will conclude our study of Esther as we look at the final two chapters of the book. God uses Esther and her uncle Mordecai in a powerful way in this story. Let’s finish this study strong together this weekend.

Peace be with you!

About pcmadmin


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