“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” – Psalm 106:1
I have been reading in the book of Psalms…this week. In doing so, I have been reminded of just how much God has done for us and how, throughout the years, we have turned from Him to pursue our own desires. As I read Psalm 106, I was struct with the harsh reality of God’s willingness to give us what we desire even though it is counter to what he wants for us.
The Psalmist begins by praise God and proclaiming that no one can match his mighty acts. He commends those who follow his ways and ask God to remember him that we may enjoy the prosperity of being a chosen one. Then he admits that we have sinned, as has the generation before us, yet God has saved us. Then suddenly, he dives off into a discourse of how the Israelites turned on God after all that he did to lead them to freedom. How they sinned in the desert. He speaks of their ungrateful hearts and selfishness.
“But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel. In the desert they gave in to their craving, in the wasteland they put God to the test. So he gave them what they asked for, but sent a wasting disease upon them.” – Psalm 106:13-15
As I read these words I could not help but examine my own life. I could not help but wonder if I have not “wanted” so much that I have made earthly idols because I have forgotten what God has done for me. Have I wanted so much that God has allowed me to “have” knowing that I have rejected him instead of loving him and desiring him? It would be so easy to do…to make the desire of worldly things the desires of our heart rather than God. And it would even go unnoticed in our world today…because it is all around us. So God gives in to our desires…but in turn “disease” enters into our being. And the things we desire can become so incidental as we age, as we become more dependent on our health, wealth, physical and spiritual needs.
Later on in the same Psalm, the author writes, “But he took note of their distress when he heard their cry; for their sake he remembered his covenant and out of his great love he relented. – Psalm 106:44 Despite the way the children of Israel acted in the desert, God relented when he heard their sincere cry for help. He does the same for us today. God is still listening. He still hears our cries and he still relents…because of his great love for us!
“Save us, O lord our God, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise. Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say, ‘Amen!’” – Psalm 106:47-48
4th of July Parade…is Tuesday afternoon, check in is at 2:00pm. The Parade begins at 4:00pm. The parade will start at Iowa Ave and 8th Street and turn left on 2nd Street. We still need volunteers and lots of walkers! This is our biggest effort to invite folks to our VBS. If you can assist before or during the parade please see Ruth Evans or Paul Reeb.
Wednesday Night Meal…this week at the building at 6:00pm.
Silver Society Breakfast…Friday morning, July 7th, All American Dinner at 9:30am
VBS Day in the Park…Sunday, July 9th. If you can assist in any way, we need you! Please see Ruth Evans.
Basket Dinner…Sunday, July 16th following morning worship services.
Donny’s next eye treatment trip…July 18 – 26
This Week at MCoC…we will conclude our series on the Holy Spirit, Baptism and Salvation. This week, I will be dealing with all those exceptions that people raise when talking about salvation. Our lesson is entitled: Belief or Faith or Baptism: Why is this so complicated? I hope you will be a part of our worship this week and I pray that you feel the love of Jesus in your heart every day!
All God’s Best!