Upload Sermon to Munch from YouTube

Made by Chris Anderson with Scribe


1. Navigate to https://app.getmunch.com/

2. Click + to add a new project

3. Click on Tiktok

4. Click on Facebook

5. Click “Next”

6. In a new tab, navigate to https://www.youtube.com/

7. Click on ID Icon (alternate: go to [[https://www.youtube.com/@muscatinechurchofchrist]][[)]]

8. Click “YouTube Studio”

9. Click “Content”

10. Click “Live”

11. Select the Sermon for the project (usually the most recent)

12. Copy Video URL link

13. Click the YouTube link field.

14. Press [[ctrl]] + [[v or right click to past the video URL]]

15. Click “Next”

16. Click tCustom – Muscatine Church of Christ

17. Click “Next”

18. Click the “My awesome project” field.

19. Type the name of the sermon

20. Click “Describe your video…”

21. Click “Lecture”

22. Click “None”

23. Click “Muscatine Church of Christ”

24. Click “Munch It!”